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This Maltese Group Is Raising Money For Charity One Scarf At A Time

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Charity comes in many forms. You can give money; you can give your time. Or, you can knit some amazing items and give the proceeds to 200 Maltese families in need.

That’s what Joyce Randon, the founder of Knitting For A Cause, wanted to do when she set up the charity group.

“When I was young I used to knit, and recently I had a bit of free time so I said ‘let me have a go at it again’ and I knitted some scarves. Scarves are easy to do – I’m not some amazing knitter – and I gave some to my daughter and to a few others,” she said.

It was at this point that an idea began to form.

“I said ‘wouldn’t it be great if we did this part time, and we do it for a cause?'” she wondered.

She wanted to set up a group for people who wanted to give some of their time to charity and do something a bit different. She also wanted to find the right cause to help out.

“I went down to the Millenium chapel and spoke to Father Hillary,” Joyce said. “He helps look after 200 Maltese families there, and I spoke to him and said ‘what if I sell these items in the Millenium chapel’s shop and we give the money to you?’ and he agreed.”

Barely weeks old, Knitting For A Cause has already produced 12 unique pieces, and they will officially be opening their section in the shop at the Millenium chapel next week.

Joyce is currently looking for people to join in on the cause – all you need is some yarn and a bit of dedication.

“I’m looking for people to buy the wool – it’s some €4.50 for a ball – and to knit something and we sell it in the shop and give the proceeds to the families,” she said.

However, it hasn’t been easy to find dedicated knitters.

“The problem I’m finding is that not many people knit nowadays – maybe people don’t have an internet connection and haven’t heard of this or maybe they don’t want to commit. I don’t expect people to dedicate their lives for the cause, but we have 12 items so far and we want to keep going throughout the year, through summer and onto next winter,” she said.

“I’ve never done something like this, and it’s not easy, but I’d love for it to work out, it would be really great. From nothing you’d create something to help these 200 Maltese families – just from knitting a scarf in your free time,” she ended.

Are you interested in joining Knitting For a Cause? Tag a friend who loves knitting!

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Johnathan is an award-winning Maltese journalist interested in social justice, politics, minority issues, music and food. Follow him at @supreofficialmt on Instagram, and send him news, food and music stories at [email protected]

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